Archive for May 5, 2006

In the back row…

While cleaning out the refrigerator today I discovered a mysterious back row of condiments. Things I don't recall buying with "best before" dates that came uncomfortably close to predating my occupancy of the apartment. Clearly I had more condiments than I could ever have possibly wanted or needed since I neither used them before they expired nor missed them hiding behind all of the other items. But, looking at all of the expired things I realised that some of them I had really enjoyed (or even bought more not realising I already had some) while others I had tried once and they just didn't satisfy my palette.

This made me think of the Internet…when it comes to websites there are thousands of mystery sites in the back row. Some belong there in the back row and are never missed and some are really good but get lost in the sheer volume of similar information out there. Often, my challenge with clients is how to make sure that their website does not get lost on that back shelf. There are so many simple tools to use and practices to follow that can keep your information fresh and in the front row…and not cost you thousands to do it.

As the saying goes, a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing, but educating yourself on the basics will benefit any website project you're involved with. One of my favourite Search Engine Optimization resources is for a clear SEO 101 for Internet Production professionals and their clients.

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